12 Thanksgiving YouTube Videos for Kids in Mandarin Chinese

various pumpkins

If your children are learning Mandarin Chinese and celebrating American 感恩节 / 感恩節 (Gǎn’ēn jié / Thanksgiving), videos can help with learning relevant vocabulary. A few years ago, I put together this list of Mandarin Chinese YouTube videos are generally clear and easy to understand.

  • Videos about the history of Thanksgiving in Chinese
  • Chinese songs and poems about Thanksgiving
  • Chinese videos about popular Thanksgiving recipes (turkey, pumpkin pie, apple pie)

The challenge has been finding historically accurate and balanced content geared for children. After watching dozens of kids’ Thanksgiving videos in both English and Chinese, I was disappointed to see that even the History Channel had very Eurocentric – and dare I say offensive – depictions of the fabled Thanksgiving dinner.

As such, I’ve debated about whether or not to share these Chinese Thanksgiving videos. Having watched these Thanksgiving videos with my children (ages 7 and 4) after reading books from a Native American perspective, I’ve decided to keep them in this post. I think they can still be helpful for learning Mandarin, but I encourage families and schools to be curious and compassionate together. For example, “Why do the videos all begin with Europe and follow the pilgrims rather than starting in North American and beginning with the Native Americans?”

pumpkins, squash, zucchini autumn soup

Teach kids about Thanksgiving in Mandarin Chinese

This post is part of a series about celebrating American Thanksgiving while learning Mandarin Chinese:

For those who prefer to minimize screen-time for your children, you can play the videos on your phone and turn the screen face-down.

Chinese Thanksgiving YouTube Videos about the history of the holiday, Thanksgiving songs, and popular Thanksgiving recipes in Mandarin Chinese!

Mandarin Chinese Videos about 感恩节 / 感恩節 Thanksgiving History

1. 感恩节 / 感恩節 Chinese Video About the First Thanksgiving

In this video, the teacher introduces the topic in English, but most of the dialogue is in Mandarin. The subtitles are in simplified Chinese, Hanyu Pinyin, and English.

2.  History of Thanksgiving 感恩节 / 感恩節 video in Mandarin Chinese

This video gives a simple overview of Thanksgiving with common vocabulary, pronunciation, and writing. Subtitles are in traditional Chinese and Zhuyin; some words have Pinyin added.

Songs and poems about Thanksgiving in Chinese

1. 感恩节 / 感恩節 Thanksgiving cartoon song in Mandarin Chinese

Here’s a fun Chinese cartoon about the song “Turkeys in the Straw”. The video has subtitles in simplified Chinese and Pinyin.

2. Chinese Thank You song 谢谢你

This is a lovely song that teaches children how to thank friends and family in Mandarin Chinese. Subtitles are in simplified Chinese and Pinyin.

3. Chinese Thanksgiving 感恩节 / 感恩節 poem

This is an adorable video of a child reciting a Thanksgiving poem in Mandarin Chinese. This Chinese Thanksgiving video is from Daily Noodles, the creator of these fun Chinese activity workbooks!

4. 范瑋琪 Christine Fan – 感恩節 My Thanksgiving (官方版 Music Video)

Christine Fan (FanFan), an American-born Taiwanese singer-songwriter, has a calming pop music video featuring her babies. Subtitles are in Traditional Chinese.

5. 献上感恩的心 獻上感恩的心 Give Thanks with a Thankful Heart

This Mandarin translation of the English worship song has subtitles in simplified Chinese, Hanyu Pinyin, and English. The video only has text against a leafy backdrop.

Thanksgiving Cooking Videos in Mandarin Chinese

1. How to roast Thanksgiving turkey 感恩节烤火鸡

World Wild Foodies 天下吃货 shows us how to prepare and roast a Thanksgiving turkey in Mandarin Chinese! Subtitles are in simplified Chinese.

2. How to make low sugar pumpkin pie 教你做南瓜派 低糖营养健康

Chef Tinrry teaches how to make low sugar pumpkin pie in Mandarin Chinese! Subtitles are in simplified Chinese.

3. How to make American apple pie 做美国正宗苹果派

Chef 宅男美食 talks through each step of making classic apple pie for dessert! Since he speaks more slowly than other videos, this is a great video for non-fluent Chinese learners to watch. Subtitles are in simplified Chinese.

4. How to make apple pie 苹果派

These two chefs chat about how to make the popular American dessert, apple pie! The style is different from 宅男美食’s video, so it’s great for children to see various approaches to cooking and presenting food! Subtitles are in simplified Chinese.

What did your family think of these 感恩节 / 感恩節 Chinese Thanksgiving videos?

I hope these videos are helpful for learning the basics about 感恩节 / 感恩節 (Gǎn’ēn jié / Thanksgiving) in Chinese! Do you have other favorite videos about Thanksgiving holiday? Please share in the comments below!

感恩节 感恩節 10 Thanksgiving Videos in Mandarin Chinese

Tips for boosting Chinese skills

感恩节快乐 (Gǎn’ēn jié kuàilè / Happy Thanksgiving)!

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