Best Books to Prepare for New Baby Sibling (Chinese and English)

As a pediatrician, I love sharing the best children’s books to prepare for a new baby sibling. I still remember when my daughter asked nonstop questions when I was pregnant with her little brother. Since my family is bilingual, we read English and Chinese books, which helped my kid learn new words about pregnancy, babies, and sibling life.
Some of these pregnancy and new sibling books have Mandarin narration on Luka Chinese Reading Robot, YouTube, or Ximalaya. For older kids and parents learning Chinese, the Youdao Dictionary Reading Pen can help you read new words. As you build your library, please note that translated books often go out of print quickly.
Children’s books about where babies come from in Chinese and English
Kid-friendly science books are incredibly enlightening for children curious about pregnancy, including where exactly baby siblings come from. These books use real names of body parts, which is important for safety and education.
Human Body Learning Lab/天才小醫生的人體實驗課
My popular Human Body Learning Lab book has a reproductive system chapter with kid-friendly explanations about pregnancy.
Beautiful, diverse illustrations show how an embryo becomes a fetus and, eventually, a new baby. A simple hands-on experiment also helps children understand how cells grow into an embryo and the next stages of pregnancy.
- English edition: Amazon
- Traditional Chinese: YoBaby Shop
Recommended: Best Human Body Books for Kids in English, Chinese, Korean
Where Does the Human Body Come From? 我们的身体/我們的身體
This interactive anatomy book features a 3-dimensional “fetus” floating in a pregnant uterus with liquid representing amniotic fluid. It’s a fun way for children to see what’s inside a pregnant uterus and where babies come from.
- Simplified Chinese: Amazon | China Sprout
- Traditional Chinese: Estlite | Sunya
- Mandarin narration: YouTube
Where Do Babies Come From? / 知識翻翻書:寶寶從哪裡來?
Usborne’s Lift-the-Flap books are always a big hit with toddlers and little kids! Human babies and animals are born in different ways. The book’s interactive question-and-answer flaps help curious toddlers learn where different kinds of baby siblings come from in Chinese and English.
- English edition: Amazon
- Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin: Books Taiwan
Explore this: The Best Human Body Science Toys for Kids
Mama, Where Did I Come From? / 媽媽我從哪裡來?
This light-hearted children’s book answers questions about where babies come from—including twins. Silly, cartoonish illustrations give a sense of what the science looks like, while accurate terms like sperm and egg are used. The traditional Chinese edition includes Zhuyin for each character, making it a helpful option for non-fluent readers.
- Simplified Chinese: Amazon
- Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin: Books Taiwan
Best books for preparing for a new sibling
Stories are a fantastic way to support a child through emotional family changes, including becoming a big brother or sister. The best books about new baby siblings feature realistic illustrations, diverse families, and positive messages. Here are some of our favorites in Chinese and/or English!
Mama’s Fruit Belly/妈妈的水果肚/媽媽的水果肚
This bilingual children’s book helps kids have fun learning about the growing pregnant belly. In this book, children can see how big the baby sibling is each week and month by comparing its size to various fruits.
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Mike Becomes a Big Brother 米可要當哥哥了
Originally written in Dutch and published in the Netherlands, 米可要當哥哥了 is an adorable book about a mixed-race family preparing for their new baby sibling. Breastfeeding is included in the illustrations. This book is part of the 米可 Series about Growing Up, Potty Training, and Going to School.
- Traditional Chinese: YoBaby Shop
Try this: Teach Your Child a Second Language at Home with 5 Key Steps
Will It Be a Baby Brother? / 我会有个弟弟吗?
A little boy is excited about becoming a big brother. Throughout the story, he hopes he’ll have a little brother. He even chooses the name “James” for the new baby. But he’s in for a surprise: Mama gives birth to a sister! Regardless of gender, this book about pregnancy celebrates love for a new baby sibling from a kid’s perspective.
- English edition: Amazon
- Simplified Chinese: China Sprout
- Mandarin narration: Luka Robot
What are your favorite Chinese and English books about pregnancy and preparing for a new baby sibling?
If your child reads these books about pregnancy and newborn siblings in English and Chinese, we’d love to hear about your experience! Do you have other family-friendly books to recommend? Please leave a note in the comments below.
Thank you for the reviews! The details included are very helpful for deciding what to use in the family and how to approach the books!
P.S. the traditional title for the first book showed up as “爸爸成為媽媽的一天.” A copy and paste error, I suppose. 😉
Hi Christine! Hope you have been well and able to find some books for your family! Thanks for the heads up – I have fixed the typo!