Chinese Going To School Song 上学歌 Lyrics Music Video

Are your bilingual children ready for a new school year? The Chinese Going to School song lyrics 上学歌 / 上學歌 (shàngxué gē) is perfect for this time of year.

I’ve put together printable 上学歌 / 上學歌 Chinese song lyrics, a music video, plus an optional craft to help your child or student learn.

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Going To School Song 上学歌 / 上學歌 Mandarin Video

Music is a wonderful way to teach kids Chinese, and the 上学歌 / 上學歌 song is filled with common, everyday words. If you haven’t heard the lyrics to 上学歌 / 上學歌 before, listen to this music video of the Chinese school song.

You can find the Chinese 上学歌 / 上學歌 Going to School song in the A Little Mandarin album on Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, or Spotify.

Chinese Going To School Song 上学歌 / 上學歌 Lyrics

Here are lyrics in simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese (if different), Pinyin, and English!

太阳当空照 / 太陽當空照
(Tài yáng dāng kōng zhào) 
The sun is shining in the sky

花⼉儿对我笑 / 花兒對我笑
(Huā ér duì wǒ xiào )
The flowers are smiling at me 

(Xiǎo péng yǒu)
Little friends

(Zǎo zǎo zǎo)
Morning! Morning! Morning!

背着书包要去上学校 / 背著書包要去上學校
(Bēizheshū bāo yào qù shàng xué xiào)
Wearing a schoolbag going to school

我去上学校 / 我去上學校
(Wǒ qù shàng xué xiào)
I am going to school

天天不迟到 / 天天不遲到
(Tiān tiān bū chí dào)
Everyday not being late

爱学习 / 愛學習
(Ài xué xí)
Love learning

爱劳动 / 愛勞動
(Ài láo dòng)
Love working

长⼤要为⼈民立功劳 / 長大要為人民立功勞
(Zhǎng dà yào weì rén mín lì gōng láo)
When I grow up I want to diligently serve people

Chinese Going To School Song 上学歌 / 上學歌 lyrics activity

Chinese Going To School Song 上学歌 Lyrics Puzzle Craft

A few years ago, I made a simple craft stick puzzle for my daughter to learn 上学歌 / 上學歌 Going to School song lyrics in Chinese. Of course, this activity is completely optional, but it was really fun for my daughter.

Since I’m learning Chinese as a parent, I had to check the dictionary to write all of the Chinese characters. As someone who enjoys crafting, creating hands-on activities for my daughter has helped me memorize Chinese characters!

Chinese Going To School Song 上学歌 Lyrics Puzzle Craft

I drew pictures with a Sharpie, and it took less than 30 minutes total to prepare.

On each craft stick, I wrote Chinese character corresponding to the Chinese song lyrics.

To complete the puzzle, you can use either the song lyrics or drawing as the guide.

Younger children may need a “control” to help them complete the puzzle. You can easily create this buy taking a photo of the completed puzzle and printing it out!

Chinese going to school song lyrics and activity

Download Chinese school song 上学歌 / 上學歌 Lyrics

If you have a printer, I recommend looking at a paper copy of the 上学歌 / 上學歌 lyrics rather than the computer screen. The lyrics are large so children learning to read can see each Chinese character clearly.

Chinese Going To School Song 上学歌 Lyrics Puzzle Craft

More Chinese songs for children

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