Printable Chinese Writing Worksheets

If the thought of writing Chinese characters freaks you out, you aren’t alone! Learning Chinese requires tons of practice for children and adults alike. As you gradually develop muscle memory, try to be patient with the writing process and make it as enjoyable as possible. I hope that our printable Chinese writing worksheets can help, and keep scrolling for more tips that have motivated our family along the way.
Decades ago, I learned how to write Chinese characters in middle school and promptly forgot. Then, a few years ago, I started learning again with the best study buddy – my daughter! This time, the process has been much more positive.
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When to use Chinese writing worksheets
The order of learning a second language generally follows the first language. Just as a baby learns to observe, listen, and talk first, a solid verbal language foundation sets the stage for written language learning. This is especially true with children.
Keep in mind that learning to write is much, much slower than other aspects of language. However, many adults learn to read and write while learning to understand and speak Chinese. While writing can help absorb information into long-term memory, it shouldn’t bog you down from the other parts of language.
In modern times, despite the benefits of handwriting, we don’t need to write Chinese physically. We can still communicate via texting and typing while avoiding writing altogether. So, if you’re learning Chinese as a second language, keep this in mind as you consider your language goals among other life priorities.
What kids should do before using Chinese worksheets
When teaching young children how to write, you might want to wait before using printable Chinese worksheets.
Build fine motor skills and confidence
First and foremost, fine motor skills are the prerequisite to writing. To strengthen pencil grasp, everyday activities like picking up small objects and collecting treasures at the park prepare children for future writing.
Giving kids room to scribble and doodle without worrying about being “correct” also prepares their confidence with using paper.
Explore Chinese stroke order
Without any pressure, kids can learn basic strokes with Chinese stroke order flashcards. A fun and popular strategy is to let kids use their fingers to draw words on sand or in a salt writing tray.
Discover the special meaning of handwriting
If Chinese writing worksheets are the sole exposure to writing, then learning can be quite dreadful. Don’t make this mistake!
Instead, the focus should be on the purpose of handwriting – the way it connects people and brings us closer.
Surprise your child with a special handwritten note in Chinese on their door or lunchbox. Have fun making special handmade Christmas cards or playing tic-tac-toe for writing practice.
Explore this: How I Taught My Child 1000 Chinese Characters as a Non-Fluent Speaker
Blank versus grid Chinese writing worksheets
There are 3 main types of Chinese writing worksheets:
- Blank squares
- 田字格 (Field Grid Paper) The shape of the grid guidelines looks like the Chinese character for field 田.
- 米字格 (Rice Grid Paper) The shape of the grid guidelines looks like the Chinese character for rice 米.
Some learners get distracted by dotted guidelines and need the freedom of a blank square. Others may find the background lines helpful for figuring out where to put each part of the Chinese character. We prefer blank or field grid Chinese writing worksheets.
7 Quick tips for a positive Chinese writing experience
Learn Chinese writing with a study buddy
What better way to encourage a child to practice writing if I also work on it? God knows I need to improve, too!
So, if you’re learning with your child, have “mommy and me” or “daddy and me” Chinese writing worksheets. One stack for you and another for your kid! Your actions speak louder than any advice you give to your child.
Small, frequent doses
Write the same Chinese word only a few times, but repeat it every few days for retention.
Writing the same Chinese word for an entire page can be sooooo boring!
Bigger is better for beginners!
Use big writing grids! Even as an adult learner, I prefer the large writing grids to the standard small size. It’s much easier to see each stroke, especially for more complex Chinese characters.
Freedom of utensil choice
Let your child choose her writing utensil of choice! The standard pencil is convenient for erasing and making corrections. But if your child likes certain colors or glittery pens, why not let them enjoy it while writing Chinese?
Grade with hearts and smiles
Rather than “grading” writing, my daughter’s self-assessment is by drawing a “heart” or “smiley face” next to the character that looks best. This is an uplifting strategy that you can try in any language! Many thanks to our Chinese teacher for this wonderful idea.
Encourage your child or student to reflect on their work and develop self-awareness without being judged.
Relax while writing Chinese
Take breaks so the shoulders, arms, hands, and wrists can relax and stretch. I used to journal a lot during high school, and that, coupled with piano practice, resulted in severe wrist tendonitis.
So let’s teach our children to have healthier habits starting from a young age!
Printable Blank Chinese writing worksheets for kids and adults, too! ( 田字格 | Field Grid Paper)
Choose the grid size that works best for your learning needs!
If you want to save paper, consider putting these printable Chinese worksheets in these reusable dry-erase pockets.
What if your child hates Chinese writing worksheets?
The good news is that Chinese writing worksheets are not the end-all, be-all of learning Chinese.
Besides the pictures in this article, my children have rarely used the Chinese writing worksheets I created.
We’ve had fun painting Chinese characters on magic water calligraphy cloths.
We’re huge fans of dictation, copywork, and progress over perfection.
And no matter your child’s age or developmental stage, remember that the fundamental purpose of language is connection.
Chinese writing worksheet generator websites
Want to make personalized Chinese worksheets? Check out these websites:
- Paid: Arch Chinese, Hanzi Grids
- Free: Chinese Worksheet Generator
Hi all,
Does anybody know about Chinese font (simplified) that has dotted lines? I am looking for a Chinese font (simplified) that has dotted lines, (like KG Primary Dots), so children can trace the lines.
Hi Betty,
Thank you so much for all your resources! I find myself coming back to your website time and time again to inspire myself on my journey to teach my children Chinese/Cantonese as well.
This is a resource for the previous comments who are looking for a free website to generate a worksheet. I hope it is okay to post this here:
The user inputs however many characters they want, then select how many boxes and what style of grid. It doesn’t include stroke order, and I think the character’s are a bit off centered, but it is free.
Hope that helps!
Hi Evonne! Thank you so much for the recommendation! Blessed New Year to your family!
Nice information. Seems need to pay to use Arch website worksheet. Any free ones to generate writing worksheet ??
Do you need a paid subscription to Arch Chinese to generate writing worksheets?