Fun Mandopop, Rock, Hip Hop Songs for Teens and Tweens

popular Chinese Mandopop music for teens

Anyone else tired of hearing the same Chinese nursery rhymes? If your kids are growing up and ready for music that parents can even enjoy, try Mandopop! Chinese pop, rock, and hip hop songs can be a fun way to get teens and tweens interested in Chinese culture and language. Certain Chinese pop songs might be appropriate for younger children as well.

popular Chinese Mandopop music for teens

At what age can kids listen to Chinese Mandopop music?

Since Chinese pop, rock, and hip hop songs might contain more mature topics, these songs are generally appropriate for the tween or teen age group.

With that said, every family is different in what they deem to be appropriate, so you can listen to the songs first before adding to your family’s playlist. Also, pop songs by the same artist can vary in terms of maturity. So many of these songs could be suitable for younger children as well.

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Here are modern Chinese music artists that many big kids, teens, and parents can enjoy together.

周杰倫 Jay Chou

Jay Chou 周杰倫

iTunes | Amazon | YouTube | Spotify

周杰倫 Jay Chou is a Tawainese musician, singer, songwriter, record producer, film producer, actor, and director. His pop, hip hop, and rock music have been popular in Asia for over a decade. Our favorite 周杰倫 Jay Chou song is Listen to Mom 聽媽媽的話, and you can learn the lyrics for Mother’s Day from our printable download.

王力宏 Wang Lee Hom

林俊傑 JJ Lin

iTunes | Amazon | YouTube | Spotify

王力宏 Wang Lee Hom is a popular Chinese American singer-songwriter, actor, producer, and film director. Although his pop and hip hop songs might be hard to understand if you’re not fluent, the rhythm and music can be enjoyed by anyone. 十二生肖 is one of the most famous 王力宏 Wang Lee Hom songs. It’s perfect for learning about the Chinese zodiac wheel and celebrating Lunar New Year.

朱主爱 Joyce Chu (also known as 四叶草)

四叶草 Joyce Chu

iTunes | Amazon | YouTube | Spotify

Joyce Chu is a Malaysian Chinese singer, songwriter, and actress. She sings in Mandarin Chinese (sometimes English and Malay) and plays by piano, guitar and ukulele. Joyce Chu was one of the first Chinese pop artists that we listened to as a family. Here are some pop songs that my kids and I love.

林俊傑 JJ Lin


iTunes | Amazon | YouTube | Spotify

林俊傑 JJ Lin is a Singaporean singer, songwriter, and actor who has been popular over the last decade. Most of his pop songs are Mandarin Chinese, but some are in Hokkien and Cantonese.

金志文 Jin Zhi Wen

iTunes | Spotify

金志文 Jin Zhi Wen is a Chinese pop and rock artist. Our favorite song by 金志文 is 遠走高飛!

好妹妹 Good Meimei

Good Meimei - Camelia for you

iTunes | YouTube | Spotify

Good Meimei 好妹妹 is a Chinese Indie pop band by Xiaohou Zhang and Hao Qin. We really enjoy the acoustic guitar music and often have the Mandarin Chinese album Camelia for You on replay. Their lyrics are clear and easy to understand, too.

What are your favorite Chinese Mandopop songs?

Please share with me in the comments below! We’re always looking for new recommendations and would love to check out your favorite Chinese pop songs. Have fun singing and dancing!


  1. Christine says:

    Hi there – I really appreciate this page as my husband and I are going to try for a baby soon and want them to learn Mandarin. I listen to mostly k-pop, but my favorite Mandopop group is WayV!

  2. Hi Betty,
    I’m new to your blog. I’m amazed by the wealth of information here. Thank you for sharing. Here are some of our favourites, hope you like them.
    Wei Lynn
    胡夏 Xia Hu – Those Bygone Years 那些年
    你笑起来真好看 – 李昕融、樊桐舟、李凯稠
    星星 – 弘诺方舟&李欣融(李昕融)
    Michael Wong 光良【 Fairy Tale 童话 Tong Hua 】

    1. Hi Wei Lynn! Thank you so much for taking the time to write and share your favorite songs! I really appreciate the links and look forward to listening to them! 🙂

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