National Geographic Insects Science Books for Kids in Chinese, Pinyin, English

National Geographic Insects Series in Chinese, Pinyin, and English

The National Geographic books are among our favorites in both English and Chinese!  Since I was a child, I have always been fascinated by National Geographic’s beautiful photographs of life and science. National Geographic offers English and Chinese books for kids of all ages! They present real world information in a simplified and interesting way.

Available in many languages, this post features 美国国家地理儿童科普书系 – 虫虫想想看 (National Geographic Insects), a bilingual series in simplified Chinese, Hanyu Pinyin, and English.

Related: How I’m Learning Chinese as a Busy Parent: Speaking, Reading, Writing

National Geographic Insects book in Chinese with PInyin
Daughter reading National Geographic book in the car

National Geographic Insects Science Books for Kids in Chinese, Pinyin, English

  • Title: 美国国家地理儿童科普书系 – 虫虫想想看 (6 volumes)
  • Author: 吉妮·约翰逊
  • Publisher: 安徽少年儿童出版社 Anhui Children’s Publishing House
  • Language: Simplified Chinese with Pinyin and English
  • ISBN: 9787539759678
  • Age level: 3-6 years
  • Where to buy: China Sprout (USA)

Titles in the 6-book set

  • Spider 蜘蛛
  • Grasshopper 蚱蜢
  • Bee 蜜蜂
  • Dragonfly 蜻蜓
  • Ant 蚂蚁
  • Butterfly 蝴蝶

National Geographic Insects Series in Chinese, Pinyin, and English: Review

National Geographic Insects 美国国家地理儿童科普书系 – 虫虫想想看 is a fantastic set of Chinese science books.  Realistic illustrations and simple text make this series perfect for young children.

Kids are never too young to enjoy beautiful science books! Both of my children love to point out and talk about what they see.

Each book follows the same layout.  After the insect is introduced, the life cycle and anatomy are discussed. At the end are two pages of Chinese question prompts that you can discuss with your child.  The last few pages are complete English translations of the book!

The font is large and easy to read.  Key words are boldfaced and further enlarged!  The Pinyin is small and unobtrusive above each Chinese character.

Related: When Should My Child Learn Hanyu Pinyin?

Displaying front covers of National Geographic Insects Chinese books

Montessori-friendly Chinese science books on ledge

Here is a ledge in our house where I frequently display books.  The kids are excited to see which books I set out!  This is one of my key strategies in getting my children excited about reading!

Explore: Kids Love This Montessori Animals and Continents Activity (Chinese, Korean, English)

Photos of National Geographic Insects Series in Chinese, Pinyin, and English

Spider 蜘蛛

National Geographic Spider 蜘蛛 Chinese book
National Geographic Spider 蜘蛛 Chinese book

Each National Geographic book has a spread of Chinese questions that my daughter finds fascinating!

National Geographic Spider 蜘蛛 Chinese book

Here is a peek at the English translation.  You’ll notice that each image is smaller compared to the Chinese/Pinyin pages.

National Geographic Spider 蜘蛛 Chinese book

Chinese book about grasshoppers 蚱蜢

National Geographic Grasshopper 蚱蜢 Chinese book

Chinese book about dragonflies 蜻蜓

National Geographic Dragonfly 蜻蜓 Kids Chinese books

Chinese book about bees 蜜蜂

National Geographic Bee 蜜蜂 Kids Chinese books

Chinese book about ants 蚂蚁

National Geographic Ant 蚂蚁 Kids Chinese books

Chinese book about butterflies 蝴蝶

National Geographic Butterfly 蝴蝶 Chinese books
National Geographic Insects Kids Chinese books

In summary, I highly recommend National Geographic Insect Books in Chinese, Pinyin, and English!

More National Geographic books for kids

Check out my review of the National Geographic Solar System books in this post. National Geographic has other science books in traditional Chinese:

Another great option is the “Why? 幼幼小百科(套)4冊 books” in traditional Chinese with large font plus Zhuyin!  It’s available at Chinese Books for Children.

More Chinese science books for kids

Chinese books for kids


  1. This is great! Do you know if they have a Korean version? Thanks 🙂

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