Easiest Washi Tape Christmas Cards Kids Can Make

DIY Washi Tape Holiday Cards - Easy handmade gift ideas for kids

If you’re in a pinch for a last-minute Christmas greeting, these Washi Tape Christmas Cards take seconds to make. Kids of all ages – toddlers to teens – can make these DIY cards. Since this time of year is extra busy, we try to keep things easy, so I think you’ll love these Christmas card ideas!

DIY Washi Tape Christmas Cards - Easy handmade holiday gift ideas for kids

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Not only are they pretty, but each Christmas card design and message is unique from kids and their creative decorations.

Honestly, nothing beats a good handmade card! 

DIY Washi Tape Christmas Cards - Easy handmade gift ideas for kids

In fact, we rarely buy Christmas cards from the store.

Card-making gives my daughter a chance to be thoughtful and creative.

DIY Washi Tape Christmas Cards - Easy handmade gift ideas for kids

In addition, homemade Christmas cards motivate kids to practice handwriting in any language. Since we’re raising trilingual children, we made our washi tape Christmas cards in Chinese, English, and Korean.

Recommended: Best Christmas Books for Kids in Chinese and English

Christmas cards as fun writing practice for kids

For the past few years, card-making has been a form of copywork.

However, this winter, I’m so proud to see my older child make these independently, from knowing how to write these Chinese characters to tiny, adorable mini bows!

Writing practice first grade making Christmas cards!

Here are some washi tape Christmas cards and designs you can easily make with your family!

Important vocabulary in Chinese and English

Since many of you have children learning Chinese like us, I’ve jotted down important Christmas card-making vocabulary below!

  • 圣诞卡 / 聖誕卡 (Shèngdàn kǎ / Christmas card)
  • 胶带 / 胶带 ( Jiāodài / Tape)
  • 祝你圣诞快乐 / 祝你聖誕快樂 (Zhù nǐ shèngdàn kuàilè / I wish you a Merry Christmas)
  • 还有新年快乐 / 還有新年快樂  (Hái yǒu xīnnián kuàilè / And a Happy New Year)
  • 亲爱的 / 親愛的 (Qīn’ài de / Dear ___ )

What you need to make Washi Tape Christmas Cards:

  1. Washi Tape: We have and love the following…
    1. Sparkly washi tape variety
    2. Scripture washi tape (we love Project En Courage!)
    3. Here are more fun washi tape sets – see which design best suits your child!
  2. Cardstock paper (multi-colored or white)
  3. Pen, pencil
  4. Ribbon
DIY Christmas Cards made from washi tape and cardstock - Easy handmade holiday gift ideas for kids

How to make Washi Tape Holiday Cards in 3 steps:

  1. Cut cardstock to the desired size.
  2. Affix washi tape in the desired pattern (see below for examples). To guide younger children, you can draw the shape in pencil and have them tape over it.
  3. Write message!
  4. Optional: Tie the card with a ribbon or decorative string!
How To Make Christmas Cards with washi tape - Easy handmade holiday gift ideas for kids

Pretty Washi Tape Christmas Cards that you make with kids

Here are the festive designs that my daughter and I came up with! Can you think of other washi tape patterns?

  1. Christmas tree with increasingly longer washi tape strips
  2. Triangle Christmas tree card
  3. Christmas gift washi tape card
  4. Holy Cross washi tape card
  5. Snowflake washi tape card
  6. Christmas wreath washi tape card
How To Make Christmas Cards with washi tape - Easy handmade holiday gift ideas for kids

Have you made Washi Tape Christmas Cards for your friends and family?

I hope this simple idea can help anybody in a hurry to make a beautiful and meaningful Christmas card for dear friends and family!

Please let us know if you make Washi Tape Christmas Cards in the comments below.

More Christmas fun for kids

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