Classic Christmas Songs in Korean for Kids
Korean music is the most festive way to learn the language and get ready for Christmas! Here are our children’s favorite Korean Christmas songs and holiday carols on YouTube.
We Wish You A Merry Christmas 온 가족과 함꼐 크리스마스
We Wish You a Merry Christmas is a timeless favorite, and the Korean version of this song is just as catchy as the original! The translations retain the rhythm, but they are a little different. For example, the lyrics in the first stanza are:
온 가족과 함꼐 크리스마스 (Christmas with the whole family)
친구들과 함께 크리스마스 (Christmas with friends)
사랑하는 사람과 크리스마스와 기쁜 새해 (Christmas and a Happy New Year with loved ones)
Related: Chinese Christmas Songs to Learn Mandarin
Jingle Bells 징글벨
Pinkfong is one of the most popular cartoons in Korea, and this Jingle Bells music video is as engaging as the others! In addition to learning Korean lyrics for this Christmas song, kids can move and grove to a fun dance!
Recommended: Top Korean Cartoons for Children
Silent Night, Holy Night 고요한 밤 거룩한 밤
This peaceful Christmas lullaby is just as sweet in Korean as the original English version. I love the diversity in this lightly animated music video. The Korean subtitles can help kids learn the lyrics, too.
Recommended: The Best Children’s Books About Korean Culture and People
White Christmas Song in Korean 화이트 크리스마스
White Christmas 화이트 크리스마스 is another calming carol that can help kids wind down after a busy day of holiday crafting. The pace of this Korean Christmas song is nice and slow, perfect for language learners!
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer 루돌프사슴코
This Korean music video captures the cuteness of the classic Rudolph Christmas song. It’s also an important lesson about why bullying can be hurtful and how unique differences make a person (or animal) special and beautiful.
Santa Claus is Coming to Town 울면안돼
One of the most fascinating benefits of being bilingual is learning how songs are translated. In Korean, Santa Claus is Coming to Town is called 울면안돼 (You Can’t Cry). (Of course, it’s important and healthy to validate our children’s emotions!) This Christmas music video has a fun dance that kids can learn with song lyrics in Korean.
What are your favorite Christmas songs in Korean?
We’d love to hear your thoughts! Please share your favorite Christmas song in the comments below.